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PayStream Advisors delivers unbiased, third-party market trend information, assessments of financial automation technology, and innovative ideas to business leaders in healthcare, consumer billing, finance and treasury, accounts receivable and accounts payable.

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Discount Management Advisory Services

Take advantage of our Discount Management Assessment (DMA), a comprehensive spend analysis for your organization designed to improve working capital and to develop strategies around cost reductions. Specifically, the DMA will enable you to:

  • Identify high opportunity vendor segments with early payment discount opportunity.
  • Develop and implement a discount management strategy.
  • Maximize captured discounts through dynamic discounts, supply chain finance and P-Card growth.

The DMA is based on buyers’ view of Accounts Payable as an entity in which to leverage its cash operations, further strengthening the importance of relationships with suppliers, third party financing and IT vendors in the understanding and streamlining of operations. 

Integrated Invoice Automation

AP Automation – including Invoice Automation and Discount Management (IADM) initiatives need a framework to ensure that programs are approached on a strategic basis, which bridges the supply chain, accounts payable and finance functions.

PayStream’s analysts have introduced such a framework to help enterprises implement “integrated” IADM and maximize its benefits. To achieve the long-term value of IADM, organizations need to adopt a strategy involving both procurement and finance and therefore initiatives should be approached at an enterprise level.

Based on in-house research, PayStream estimates that:

  • Nearly 30 percent of surveyed enterprises have plans that would fit the integrated IADM description.
  • More than 15 percent are considering global initiatives to inject third party financing into their supply chains.

Spend Management
PayStream Analysts believe that in today’s world buyers view Accounts Payable as a strategic entity to leverage its cash operations in the best and long term interests of the firm. Hence relationships with suppliers, third party financing and IT vendors has become integral to understand and streamline the entire operations.

Our DMA will allow your organization to gain a holistic view into the spend analysis defined by various parameters. This would not only enable you to gain visibility and controllability to comprehend your supply chain and backend financial operations but also allows you to track, maintain and benchmark the KPIs on a periodic basis.

Due diligence is performed under various categories and sub categories. PayStream Advisors believes one such important view into DMA (See sample Discount Management Assessment) would be a value-add in to, not just improve working capital, but also strategize on cost reductions.

Sample Spend Management Dashboard

Spend Management

 Spend Analysis

A detailed view into spend by suppliers, categories, business units and time would be recommend for a sourcing analysis. This would reorganize the contracting mechanisms, supplier negotiations with respect to pricing and quantity, harmonizing SKUs, demand management, category management and more importantly allows for better contracting terms/discounting terms and DPO policies.









Sample Spend Analysis Dashboard

Spend Analysis