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PayStream Advisors delivers unbiased, third-party market trend information, assessments of financial automation technology, and innovative ideas to business leaders in healthcare, consumer billing, finance and treasury, accounts receivable and accounts payable.

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Working Capital Spend Analysis


PayStream's analysts believe that in today's world, treasurers should view Accounts Payable and disbursements as a strategic entity to optimize its cash operations. Hence relationships with banks, suppliers, third party financing and IT vendors has become integral to understand and optimize management of working capital.

PayStream's Working Capital Spend Analysis will allow your organization to gain a holistic view of your spend defined by parameters you select. This will not only enable you to gain visibility and comprehend your supply chain and backend financial operations but also allows you to develop and track a three year disbursement roadmap.


Managers, decision makers, and influencers who are interested in evaluating options to modify your disbursement options including payment terms, payment mix, card based solutions such as prepaid cards and single use accounts, payable discount tools, and supply chain finance.

Projects usually involve developing consensus with the following business managers:

  • CFOs and Treasurers
  • Purchasing Card Managers
  • Managers on both sides of transactions – billing and payables
  • Accounts Payable Managers
  • Procurement Managers


  • A detailed view into spend categories by suppliers, categories, business units and time
  • Harmonized collections/payment management, and category management
  • Improved contracting terms/discounting terms and DPO policies


Projects start at $10,000


4-6 Weeks