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Accounts Payable Automation for the European Market

Publication Length: 70 Pages
Publication Date: 3/2/2007
Publisher: PayStream Advisors

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Targeted to accounts payable, purchasing and IT buyers in European companies, this 70-page report helps distinguish between imaging, invoice and payment automation vendors and the various solutions that they offer.

It focuses on imaging, invoice and payment automation solution providers who have strong capabilities and product strategies to meet the needs of medium and large corporate accounts payable automation efforts.

AP Automation is never easy. Worse, the European buyer of an automation system must also figure out what exactly a European system must do for Europe itself is, at best, ill-defined.

Is it the core economies of Western Europe or the core economies of the European Union? Or the economies in the eurozone? The three are very different. Or is it the European Union in its entirety? In which case, how to treat economies not yet within the European Union, and which may or may not join at some future date such as Switzerland?

In terms of language, currency and other considerations, these are questions that are vital to factor in to any decision regarding an accounts payable or invoice automation solution. This report is written for those organisations that are actively exploring accounts payable automation solutions, yet need help identifying appropriate vendors and solutions for further investigation.

Beginning with an introduction to how AP automation solutions work -- specifically invoice capture, OCR, imaging, workflow and electronic invoicing, it describes the most common forms that the solutions take, and highlights the benefits that they deliver. The report also offers an in-depth look into the European landscape and the implications of conducting business there.

Next, six identically structured solution profiles provide specific information about individual vendors and the solutions that they offer. The report concludes with analytical insights that will help the reader compare and contrast vendors and their solutions within a European context.

PayStream Advisors' Technology Insights Report on AP Solutions in the European Market is one of many reports in our research library that are written for the corporate audience. Individuals who are interested in learning more about financial automation technologies after reading this report may find other titles in our Technology Insights Series, such as Web Invoicing & Electronic Payments: Moving Beyond Paper and Imaging and Workflow Automation: Moving Toward a Paperless Organization helpful as well.

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