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PayStream Advisors delivers unbiased, third-party market trend information, assessments of financial automation technology, and innovative ideas to business leaders in healthcare, consumer billing, finance and treasury, accounts receivable and accounts payable.

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Receivables Document Management: Using Imaging and e-Document Technology to Improve the Order-to-Cash Process

Publication Length: 36 Pages
Publication Date: 11/25/2008
Publisher: PayStream Advisors

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Cost Containment, Productivity Enhancement and Working Capital Improvements

PayStream Advisors predicts that the market for RDM solutions in the United States will grow roughly 10 percent annually for the next five years. RDM represents the convergence of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Receivables and Collection Management Automation (RCM).


The report is designed for those organizations that have an active interest in document imaging and management solutions, but need help identifying appropriate strategies, vendors and solutions. This whitepaper provides a succinct overview of solutions and their benefits, while the more detailed Technology Insight Series report describes the different imaging and document management choices and their benefits, profiles the leading vendors, and offers suggestions for technology selection.

The report features in-depth profiles of five leading RDM providers: EMC Corporation, Hyland Software, J.P. Morgan, Metafile Information Systems, and SunGard.

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