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Tax Compliance Automation: Cost Effective Technology and Managed Services Drive Accuracy

Publication Length: 30 Pages
Publication Date: 3/18/2009
Publisher: PayStream Advisors

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Every enterprise in America must address the issue of sales and use tax. The more the number of goods and services you buy and sell, the more the number of tax jurisdictions in which you have nexus. The larger the number of customers you have, and the greater their geographic disbursement the more complicated will be your sales and use tax collection and reporting. Even if everything you sell is for resale, you still need to validate sales tax exemption certificates.

Doing all these things accurately can be costly. Not doing a good job of it can be even more costly, in terms of tax penalties and the burden of responding to audits. Given the growing demand for tax calculation and management solutions, PayStream has developed this Market Discovery Report titled “Tax Compliance Automation: Cost Effective Technology and Managed Services Drive Accuracy.”

TCA System Integration

Tax Compliance Automation

This report is designed for accounts receivable, accounting, finance, treasury, shared service and IT managers interested in:

  • Exploring sales and use tax management solutions to improve compliance and reduce the cost of administration;
  • Understanding the business case for the use of technology and managed services to improve sales and use tax administration; and
  • Taking the next step toward tax compliance automation adoption

This report is for organizations that have an active interest in sales and use tax automation, but need help identifying appropriate strategies, solution scenarios, and vendors. It provides a succinct overview of the solution types and their benefits, describes the different tax compliance automation choices and their benefits, profiles five leading vendors, and offers suggestions for technology selection.

This report features several top technology providers in this space: Avalara, CCH, Pitney Bowes Business Insight, Sabrix, and Tax Technology Services.

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