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PayStream Advisors delivers unbiased, third-party market trend information, assessments of financial automation technology, and innovative ideas to business leaders in healthcare, consumer billing, finance and treasury, accounts receivable and accounts payable.

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Healthcare Accounts Payable Automation: Roadmap to Paperfree AP at Hospitals

Publication Length: 39 Pages
Publication Date: 11/4/2010
Publisher: PayStream Advisors

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Untitled Document

This report provides an overview of the current state of automation in the healthcare industry and takes a look at available automation technologies and how hospitals can use them to transform their accounts payable and procurement operations.The report addresses the following questions:

  • Why healthcare trails behind other industries in adoption of automation technologies?
  • What benefits and best practices can be achieved through automation?
  • What are the functional components of any healthcare AP automation solution?
  • What role do EDI and outsourcing play in this area?
  • What are some of the common challenges hospitals face in selecting and implementing solutions?
  • Who are the key solution providers in this space and what functionality do they deliver?

Table of Contents

  1. Case for Healthcare AP Automation
  2. Challenges with Manual Processes
  3. Is the Healthcare Industry Unique?
  4. The “Business” of Patient Care
  5. Lack of the “Perfect Order”
  6. Interest in AP Automation
  7. Benefits of Automation
  8. Evolution of Automation
  9. Role of EDI
  10. Comprehensive AP Automation Solutions
  11. Role of Outsourcing
  12. Questions to Ask Before Deciding
  13. Challenges to AP Automation
  14. What to Do Now!
  15. Solution Profiles
    1. AnyDoc Software
    2. Basware
      Case Study
    3. Bottomline Technologies
    4. EMC Corporation
      Case Study
    5. Scan One
  16. Selecting a Solution

Table of Graphics

  1. Challenges in the Invoice Management Process
  2. Adoption of AP Automation Technologies
  3. Factors that Disrupt the Perfect Order
  4. Top Financial Automation Goals for 2010
  5. Percent of Invoices Received Electronically
  6. Healthcare Automation Universe

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