Purchase-to-Pay Automation Masters
October 24-26 | Caesar’s Palace | Las Vegas
PayStream is joining forces with the IOFM to expand the Innovate Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) Summit to make it even more valuable. Under our new name, P2P Automation Masters will launch October 24th -26th at Caesar’s in Las Vegas, co-located with the IOFM APP2P Conference & Expo. P2P Automation Masters will still provide the same intimate gathering and networking as in previous years, with expanded content and the addition of 20+ additional sessions available at the Expo.
The P2P Automation Masters is an event within an event, catered to attract thought leaders in P2P. It will share the same level of commitment to small workshop sessions led by innovators in the industry, as well as thought provoking keynotes.
Who Should Attend:
– Accounts Payable
– Procurement
– Finance
– Shared Services
– Supply Chain
– Treasury
Why Attend?
– Automate your processes and cut costs
– Drive collaboration across Purchasing and Payables
– Improve processes by learning how leading companies use innovative automation techniques
– Build your network by meeting recognizable Purchase-to-Pay innovators
More information coming soon!